The Lost Kiss
Relationships happen. They work out or they fail!
We all seek relationships in one way or the other, for whatever reason, and in every way, we are all reaching out; be it political, professional, intimate, platonic or casual. In all these there has to be the underlying why-recognition, validation, motivation, assimilation, ambition, and many more! We also have to have an understanding how to cultivate, sustain, maintain or cull relationships. At the end of which we progress successfully, and if we tripped we must learn to pick ourselves up and soldier forth to make good of any scenario. That is fundamental to the successful growth and development of each one of us as individuals because it all comes to bear at the latter end of our chapters.
This is an ADULTS ONLY work, inspired by what happens in life, fantasy and science.
The yarn, just like the many others in our collection, is borne of active imagination that as a hobby has taken off without constraints, and seeks to deviate from the traditional way of doing things, and with good reason. We believe in ourselves, the effort into the craftsmanship, our ability, our passion and content. That which demands a culture currency that panders to a tone and tune we find to be heavy of shackles and way too restrictive. The gift to spin a line, capture your imagination and heart is way too precious to be thus corralled! Life is too short, way more exciting and varied for that strait-lacing. After all, it is you, our readers, who determine.
We cannot emphasise enough, this is ADULTS ONLY! NOT INTENDED FOR MINORS
We are a collective, cook together, write together, and share life’s experiences that we believe should bring you meditative healing and mental uplifting. Of course, escapism is our thing! This, our first book is in ten parts; and this first instalment excerpt is for free, thereafter feel free to load up on the books, via our website, . The remaining parts have all been put out in circulation for release at regular intervals by any of our writers and different agencies.
Here’ s wishing us all fortitude in successfully charting the path to finding strength, courage and eventually, freedom.